Have you ever heard of cold Email?
Cold Email is something I teach inside of PLR Hustle Academy; it's when you send an email to targeted random strangers to build relationships and convert those relationships into sales.
If you check the latest Instagram stats, there are more than 2 Billion users on the platform! Crazyyy right? These are the people that I teach you how to reach inside of the Academy. This is how that process looks:

Choose your targeted #, so if you sell our Generational Ebook, you could target people posting on IG and tagging #BUILDINGWEALTH. If you sell weight-loss eBooks, you could target people who tag #WEIGHTLOSSJOURNEY, etc.
Gather your LIST of targeted Instagram users, email addresses and usernames
Send your email!
Do you know what's so crazy? There's NO LIMIT to who you can target OR the number of people that you can send an email to. Right now, I'm personally sending 800 TARGETED emails daily on autopilot. Some days sales roll in; other days, it's just people wanting to talk! Regardless, I know that there are people that need help. There will be no stopping you when you have this kind of power. When you join PLR Hustle Academy, check the bonus training, and you will learn every bit of this!
If you're one of the first 10 people to use code: coldemail, you will save 50% on your PLR Hustle Academy membership. Now is the time to learn something that's a GAME CHANGER! Cold Email is key!